
Welcome to my scrapbook... I place where I pen down those thoughts which I rarely discuss with anybody...

This blog is meant for me to lodge in my random thoughts... These thoughts mostly some association with something going around me... Some are inspirations... Most will be dark... I dunno if anyone ever would be interested in reading them...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Stepping out of Economic Growth to step into Ethical Growth...

We all start the new year with a few hopes for ourselves... A few promises to others & sometimes ourselves too... That's all... As soon as the new year week is over... We're all on the same tracks again... No worries... We're like that... Everyone is...

You read the 'Economic Times', and you find out that India is progressing... Oh yes, didn't you know that? Everyone says so... They say our GDP (Whatever that means!) is very close to 8%, they say we're being preferred over China in the US board rooms... We've overcome the Global economic meltdown faster than any of the countries... etc etc etc... Alright... 

But aren't we just growing economically? Where is all this growth going? In the hands of the Government? Top 400 CEOs of the country? Is it doing something good for the common man? Isn't it supposed to do good for the common man?

Yes, we are growing... Daily commodities are being sold at rates that look like 6 times the daily wage of a mason or a sweeper... You cannot tell the difference between the number of T-shirts being sold in a shop at Fashion Street and the number of suicides being attempted... People want more and more partitions in the country, new states... Yes... We are definitely growing, aren't we?

Its time we did something new this year... Its time we extend our hands to those who need it... Find someone today...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The constant carelessness...

Am I meant to be like this? Or is it only the brief interval of disillusionment... I don't understand... On the materialistic scale of marks, reports & certificates, I stand nowhere... Simply nowhere...

A man is judged by the worthiness of his opponents, they say... Mine have already overestimated me and stepped out of competition... Or is it my carelessness? My arrogance? Do I label my opponents as 'unworthy' only to console myself when I loose? Or Am I so used to the pampering and favoritism offered to me by my surroundings that I've developed this tendency to let go?

Even when the whole day is wasted... I do not let any night go without the rehearsal of my grande speeches, success conversations with my family, friends ... Overconfidence? Whom am I to blame?
