
Welcome to my scrapbook... I place where I pen down those thoughts which I rarely discuss with anybody...

This blog is meant for me to lodge in my random thoughts... These thoughts mostly some association with something going around me... Some are inspirations... Most will be dark... I dunno if anyone ever would be interested in reading them...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just another misconception about me...

Sometimes its really frustrating to see everyone believe in you so much. And its really an understatement to say that they believe me. They overestimate me. Its twelve hours to our first mid term paper. I'm here, writing this, while almost everyone else is at the least trying to study.

Don't be silly! I haven't completed my syllabus. Hell! I don't even perfectly know everything that it includes. I'm just bored. Some thing's  really wrong, and I can't figure out what. But there's one thing I've figured. People seriously think that I'm some kind of a freak who can cover up most of my studies in just one night!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A futile attempt...

I couldn't keep a count of the number of attempts I made to write in the past 48 hours. But adamant me really wants to write down something.

Is there something called as a bad writing day? I don't know and I didn't want google to answer this for me. It's already been answering too much for me lately. No matter how hard I try, I just can't think of what to put here. I just wish I can write back soon. I've been trying since long now. Maybe its because of too many things going on in my head at the moment. Problem of Plenty?
