
Welcome to my scrapbook... I place where I pen down those thoughts which I rarely discuss with anybody...

This blog is meant for me to lodge in my random thoughts... These thoughts mostly some association with something going around me... Some are inspirations... Most will be dark... I dunno if anyone ever would be interested in reading them...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Vacations are the worst part of college life... Worse than exams :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It feel so funny when somebody addresses me by the name Vivek...

Seems I'm so used to getting called by my surname that Vivek is lost somewhere... He actually is... There was a time Vivek lived... He doesnt anymore... Just The ones who Live are Todi and Vicky... The former is a Die hard nerd... Who is stoneheart and considers himself above the normal things like getting groomed, decency... Bullshit stuff!

And the Latter... He 's unpredictable...

But Vivek was different...

Monday, March 10, 2008

If astrologers can really tell fortunes... Why arent they Gods?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Every organization, institution is meant for profit and sheer profit only...

But sometimes... It is difficult to measure this profit on ordinary scales...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Was my belief in myself for physics just an illusion?? Or was it my over confidence??
Maybe... I've lost my touch because I have set other priorties for myself and neglected physics...

Or Maybe I was never good at it anyways... I just sucked at it like I've been sucking at most of the things in my life...
Why do I get brain washed after coming home... I have such good thoughts to put up here when I'm in the train... :|

Monday, March 3, 2008

Letting life head it's own way can never lead to where you wanted it go, rather put in some efforts and make it whatever you always wanted it to be...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It hurts to see those hurt who make your life heaven and it hurts the most when there's nothing you can do...
Sometimes... You dont have a reason to explain your powerlessness... Or Maybe... You are trying to run away from the reason itself....


This blog is meant for me to lodge in my random thoughts... These thoughts mostly some association with something going around me... Some are inspirations... Most will be dark.... I dunno if anyone ever would be interested in reading them...
